To embed learner declaration.
- Click on “Site Admin” in the Navigation bar at the top of the screen.
2. Click on the “Content” tile.
3. Click on the “Courses” tile to manage your courses.
4. Using Search box. Find the module you want to add content to and click the edit button.
Then scroll down to find the chapters button.
5. From the Chapters screen you can Edit/Create Course Pages using the hyperlink shown below.
6. Access page content using the "Content" link.
7. From the Content page click in the checkbox next to Learner Declaration.
8. Click ADD NEW under Learner Declarations.
9. In the popup window, Please give a description of the declaration i.e "I confirm I have completed the training" before clicking SAVE CHANGES.
- By default, the Required and Active fields will be ticked.
10. You can select the optional boxes below for the course to be progressed.
10. You can add further content to the page or click SUBMIT to save changes.